When building an Angular application with the ngx-translate utility, the translated text is not embedded directly in the source code (HTML file) but is injected dynamically later, which can pose chall...
Mastering Angular
Mastering Angular: Using Router Navigation Extras to Access Info Attribute
The extras property of the navigation object contains additional information about the navigation, such as query parameters, fragment, and any custom data. Use getCurrentNavigation()?.extras to access...
Mastering Angular: In-Depth Guide To Internationalization (I18n) With ngx-translate and Angular 17
ngx-translate is a popular library for internationalization (i18n) in Angular applications. It provides a simple and efficient way to translate text and content within an application into multiple lan...
Mastering Angular: In-Depth Guide to Internationalization (I18n) with ngx-translate
ngx-translate is a popular library for internationalization (i18n) in Angular applications. It provides a simple and efficient way to translate text and content within an application into multiple lan...
Mastering Angular: Upgrading Angular to the Latest Version
Upgrading is crucial for keeping the Angular applications up-to-date with the latest features, improvements, and security fixes. To upgrade the current version of Angular, you can use the ng update co...
Mastering Angular: A Free Online Course
This online course is organized into individual articles, each dedicated to the topics of Mastering Angular and all Angular versions.
Mastering Angular: Conditional Rendering with ng-template
<ng-template> is an Angular element used for defining template content that you can reuse or conditionally include in the application. The content inside <ng-template> is not directly rend...
Mastering Angular: A Step-by-Step Guide to Remove an Angular Application
Removing a standard project If you created an Angular project using the command ng new <project_name>, you can remove it using the following steps: Linux rm -rf <project_name> Windows rmdi...
Mastering Angular: A Step-by-Step Guide to Angular Workspaces, Applications, and Components
Angular CLI allows you to create a new workspace without generating an initial application within it. If you plan to develop multiple Angular applications within the same workspace, you can start by c...
Mastering Angular: Getting Started with Angular Animations
Angular animations enable developers to add motion and interactivity to their Angular applications. With Angular animations, developers can create smooth transitions, dynamic effects, and engaging use...