is an Angular element used for defining template content that you can reuse or conditionally include in the application. The content inside <ng-template>
is not directly rendered in the DOM.
Usage with structural directives
*ngIf directive
The structural directive *ngIf
is used in combination with <ng-template>
to conditionally display content based on the value of the isLogged
variable. *ngIf
conditionally adds or removes elements from the DOM.
<div *ngIf="isLogged; else elseBlock">
<p>Welcome back!</p>
<ng-template #elseBlock>
<p>Please log in.</p>
isLogged = true;
The *ngIf
directive checks the value of the isLogged
variable. If isLogged
is true
, the content Welcome back!
will be rendered. If isLogged
is false
, the <ng-template>
with the reference #elseBlock
will be used to display alternative content.
*ngFor directive
The following example uses Angular’s templating features to render a list of items with custom content. The <ng-template>
element defines a reusable template for list items, which is then used by the *ngFor directive to dynamically generate list elements based on the items array. The template reference and variables ensure that each item and its index are correctly displayed within the list.
<!-- The template for list items -->
<ng-template #listItem let-item let-i="index">
{{ i + 1 }}. <i>{{ item }}</i>
<!-- Use the template within *ngFor -->
<ng-container *ngFor="let item of items; let i = index">
[ngTemplateOutletContext]="{ $implicit: item, index: i }"
items = ['Item One', 'Item Two', 'Item Three'];
is a special element that can hold structural directives without adding any additional elements to the DOM. <ng-container>
acts as a placeholder or a logical grouping element, allowing to apply structural directives like *ngIf
, *ngFor
, or *ngSwitchCase
without any extra elements to the DOM. ngTemplateOutlet
specifies the template to be instantiated (listItem
). ngTemplateOutletContext
provides the context for the template, including the current item and its index.
$implicit: item
assigns the current item to the default template variable. index: i
assigns the current index to the index variable in the template. The *ngFor
directive iterates over each item in the items array.
You can also use the following syntax:
items = ['Item One', 'Item Two', 'Item Three'];
<!-- The template for list items -->
<ng-template #listItem let-item let-i="index">
{{ i + 1 }}. <i>{{ item }}</i>
<!-- Use the template within *ngFor -->
*ngFor="let item of items; let i = index; template: listItem"
These examples demonstrate how to use <ng-template>
, <ng-container>
, and ngTemplateOutlet
directive to create a reusable template for list items. The listItem
template is defined once and then instantiated for each item in the items array using *ngFor
and ngTemplateOutlet
*ngTemplateOutlet directive
is a structural directive shorthand for the ngTemplateOutlet
Angular expands to:
<ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="template"></ng-template>
structural directive is for simpler and more readable template insertion when no additional context is needed.
Example #1
userName = 'Peter';
<ng-template #showName let-name>
<p>Hello, {{ name }}!</p>
<div *ngTemplateOutlet="showName; context: { $implicit: userName }"></div>
The context
object allows you to pass values into the template. $implicit
is a special key used to bind to the default variable (let-name in this case). When you use $implicit
, you don’t need to specify the variable name explicitly in the template definition (let-name="name"
). Defining let-name
without ="name"
, Angular understands that let-name
should be bound to the value of $implicit
from the context.
Example #2
In the following example, you are passing a context
object with named properties (name
and age
) to an Angular template using *ngTemplateOutlet
userName = 'Peter';
age = 25;
<ng-template #showName let-name="name" let-age="age">
<p>{{ name }} : {{ age }}</p>
<div *ngTemplateOutlet="showName; context: { name: userName, age: age }"></div>