A component-scoped context is designed to be used within a specific component tree, providing a convenient way to manage state or pass data to nested components instead of using prop drilling. This ap...
Mastering React: A Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Tailwind CSS with Create React App
Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework designed to enable rapid and flexible web development. It provides a collection of low-level utility classes that you can use to build custom designs dire...
React Troubleshooting: Resolving Warning: ReactDOMTestUtils.act is Deprecated in Favor of React.act
Although you don’t explicitly use the act while testing your components, you might encounter the following warning: “Warning: ReactDOMTestUtils.act is deprecated in favor of React.act. Imp...
React Free Online Course
Welcome to my React course, designed to cater to all levels of expertise. The course is divided into three main sections to ensure a thorough understanding of React. The first section, “Getting ...
Getting Started with React: A Free Online Course
This online course is organized into individual articles, each dedicated to the topics of Getting Started with React.
React Troubleshooting
This React troubleshooting page is organized into individual articles, each dedicated to the topics of React Troubleshooting.
Mastering React: Optimizing Rendering Performance With Memoizing Callback Functions
Optimizing rendering performance is essential for creating smooth and responsive user interfaces. One powerful technique for achieving this optimization is to use memoized callback functions with the ...
Mastering React: Optimizing Rendering Performance with Memoization
To achieve optimizing components with memoization in React, you can analyze the application and identify components that re-render frequently, even when their props remain unchanged. These components ...
Getting Started With React: Simplifying Components Communication With Prop Drilling Pattern
Prop drilling is regarded as a pattern in React development. It’s a common approach for passing data from a parent component to a deeply nested child component when other methods like context or...
React Troubleshooting: React Router Lazy Loading Error – A component suspended while responding to synchronous input
Lazy loading is a technique used to improve the performance of applications by dynamically loading components only when they are needed. Instead of loading all components when the application starts, ...