
Getting Started with Angular: Top i18n Libraries for Internationalizing Your App

Internationalization (i18n) is essential for building applications that support multiple languages and regions. Here are some libraries that can help streamline this process. 1. Angular Internationalization Angular provides built-in i18n support (Angular Internationalization). Internationalization, referenced as i18n, is the process of designing and preparing a project for use in different locales around the world. Localization […]

Mastering Angular: Implementing a Synchronous TranslateLoader for ngx-translate

When building an Angular application with the ngx-translate utility, the translated text is not embedded directly in the source code (HTML file) but is injected dynamically later, which can pose challenges for SEO. Dynamically injected content, like the translated text in an Angular app using ngx-translate, may not be visible to search engine crawlers. To […]

Angular Troubleshooting: How to Fix Uncaught TypeError: i.createPopper is not a function

The error message Uncaught TypeError: i.createPopper is not a function usually occurs when you’re trying to use the Popper.js library or Bootstrap’s dropdowns, tooltips, or popovers, but the library isn’t correctly loaded or initialized. Bootstrap uses Popper.js to handle the positioning of its interactive elements like dropdowns, popovers, and tooltips. Popper.js (or Popper) is a […]

Mastering Angular: Using Router Navigation Extras to Access Info Attribute

The extras property of the navigation object contains additional information about the navigation, such as query parameters, fragment, and any custom data. Use getCurrentNavigation()?.extras to access the extras property of the navigation object returned by getCurrentNavigation(). You need to call the getCurrentNavigation() method inside of the constructor. Use the info attribute inside a link element […]

Angular Material: Styling Material Icons

Angular Material provides a <mat-icon> component to display icons. These icons use the Material Icons font by default. You can find the list of Material Icons here. Icons can be defined as a text node inside the <mat-icon> element or using the fontIcon attribute. Changing color To change the color of an Angular Material icon, […]

Angular Material – A Simple Way to Use Material Icons

Angular Material provides a <mat-icon> component to display icons. These icons use the Material Icons font by default. You can find the list of Material Icons here. Icons can be defined as a text node inside the <mat-icon> element or using the fontIcon attribute. Basic usage Import MatIconModule. Using icon name in fontIcon attribute value […]

Getting Started With Angular 17: Adding An Assets Folder To Your Application

The assets folder is a directory in the application structure used to store static files. Files at the top level of the src/ directory support running the application. Subfolders within src/ contain the application source code and application-specific configuration. The assets folder can contain images, fonts, data files, and other resources (asset files) that need […]

Angular Troubleshooting: How to Fix Angular detected that HttpClient is not configured to use fetch APIs

Applications need to communicate with a server over the HTTP protocol to access back-end services. Angular provides a client HTTP API for Angular applications through the HttpClient service class in @angular/common/http. Reproducing the Issue *.service.ts app.config.ts Output Solution Import withFetch and add withFetch to providers array as an argument of provideHttpClient(). app.config.ts

Angular Troubleshooting: How to Fix NullInjectorError: No provider for _HttpClient!

Applications need to communicate with a server over the HTTP protocol to access back-end services. Angular provides a client HTTP API for Angular applications through the HttpClient service class in @angular/common/http. Reproducing the Issue *.service.ts Output Solution The NullInjectorError: No provider for _HttpClient! error typically indicates that the HttpClientModule or provideHttpClient has not been imported […]

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